
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Alphabet Development Workshop in Bongu

When we first arrived in PNG we attended a course called POC (Pacific Orientation Course).  This course included a five week village stay in a remote village.  We were sent to Bongu and very much enjoyed our time there.  While we were in the village we heard a lot of interest from the people there to start there own translation project, but they did not know where to start.

It has been cool to see how God has orchestrated it that we were able to be the link between Bongu and the Gwahatike men.  For two weeks in January, Martin, Nafian and Roman (Gwahatike men) went to Bongu to run an Alphabet Development Workshop (ADW).  This workshop helps the language community to analyze their own language and communally agree on an appropriate alphabet.  This is one of the first steps that needs to be done before starting any translation project.

Interestingly enough, the name of the village has changed now to Boŋu

The workshop included developing and printing some books in the local language.
Computer and printers can be a challenge in the village because of the need
for electricity.  The team used a generator.

A lot of the learning occurs outside of the formal class time, during
breaks or meal time or around the campfire at night

The workshop participants in front of the church in Bongu

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