
Friday, March 1, 2013

Hard at Work

So, what have I been working on for the past few weeks you ask?  As you might know, I have been working as part of the Software Development team within the CTS (Communications and Technical Services) department.  The team is currently made up of two others and myself with a fourth scheduled to return in a couple months.  In the past, the team has been significantly smaller (one person for a couple years), so having four developers is allowing for some real progress above and beyond the "maintenance mode."

Many other departments help support the work of Bible translation in PNG as well: auto shop, aviation, construction and maintenance, medical clinic, CTS (phone, internet, etc.), finance, employment, post office, print shop, security, shipping, store, primary and high school.  All of these departments have different software in place to manage the day to day tasks that they need to accomplish.  We support all of the existing programs and make sure that things continue to run correctly.

My first week was spent reading documents and learning the technology that is being used.  I’ve enjoyed contributing to the current projects. For the past two weeks I have been working on an exciting project: we are writing a program that will replace all of the various segmented programs on centre and run all departments through one centralized web application.  It has the potential to solve a lot of the inefficiencies between departments. For us geeks, this is very exciting :)  For those interested in techie details, we are building an ASP.NET web application using the XAF framework from DevExpress.

It feels great to be serving with the team and using the skills God has given us!

Hard at work at my desk

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31