
Monday, June 3, 2013


We have heard that we will be attending the Pacific Orientation Course (POC) starting in August. Praise God! We are looking forward to this chance to grow in our knowledge of PNG's unique culture as well as language. Over the next couple months we will be working toward going to this course. There is a lot of equipment that we need to get together since this course includes a 5 week stay in a remote village. :)

Jon is continuing to work in the software development department here in Ukarumpa and is helping to release a new system that will run inventory and point of sale for many of the departments here. It will be great to see this out because it represents a leap forward in technology, useability and reliability.

A couple of days ago, we said farewell to Nafian and Roman and the team of Bible translators from the Madi language group. This is part of the group that we have become involved with in a facilitator type role. They were all involved in the Translators Training Course (TTC) held over the past 6 weeks here in Ukarumpa. Nafian and Roman were involved in teaching and mentoring and the Madi team was attending as students TTC2 (the second course in the TTC curriculum). It was sad to see them go but we know their work and families await them in their home villages and they were all eager to see them again and get back to the task God has called them to in Bible translation. It was truly an honor to have them over for dinner several times, help with computer problems and other supply needs and be able to help them in various ways over the past 6 weeks.

The Madi team receiving their certificate's for completing TTC2 (Translator's Training Course)

Roman helping Clara with a puzzle

Roman and the Madi Bible translation team

1 comment:

  1. Jon & Candace - Praising God with you for the opportunity that attending this course brings - I'm sure it will be an incredible experience! We think of you often and remember you in prayer regularly - we hope you are doing well! The girls are getting so big! Praying you'll continue to see abundant blessing upon your work and calling in PNG!
    Ryan & Joanna
